Museum Collection

The museum collection includes artifacts that tell the story of Ukrainian ethnology and history. Objects include Ukrainian pioneer clothing, textiles, folk art and regional costumes of Ukraine. Oseredok houses one of the largest pysanka collections in North America.


Online Catalogue at Oseredok Winnipeg! We've been working hard for over a year to bring our collections to you! We've accepted a challenge to defy the limited physical space of our building and went digital! Oseredok is the first in the North American Ukrainian Heritage Community to offer remote access to its collections through Online Catalogue! Providing access to and promoting the Ukrainian Canadian heritage is paramount to Oseredok! Online Catalogue allows you to browse our collections remotely, whether at home, work, or traveling! If you have an Internet connection, you can visit us 24/7! Online Catalogue gives you access to our four collections: museum, archives, fine art, and library. Our collections still need to be cataloged and digitized; however, we can offer you a good representation of our holdings: 1252 museum artifacts, 1235 library holdings, 424 fine art pieces, 4583 photographs, and 600 glass slides. The Catalogue is a living-breathing system that will be constantly updated as we secure funding to catalog and digitize the remaining holdings. You can browse or search our collections using Online Catalogue functionalities by object type, date, material, technique, artist, author, donor, location, etc. The video and PDF tutorials on using the Catalogue are available in English and Ukrainian on our website.

Fine Art Collection

Oseredok’s art collection consists of over 900 works of art – lithographs, oils, acrylics, sculptures –
by Ukrainian, Ukrainian Canadian and Ukrainian American artists. The majority of the art holdings reflect the work of artists in the latter half of the 20th c and include: woodcuts by Jacques Hnizdovsky, oils by Myron Levytsky, Alexander Archipenko lithographs. Ukrainian Canadian artists are represented by William Kurelek, Leo Mol, Jacob Maydanyk, Peter Shostak and others.


Archives Collection

Oseredok’s archival collection is the richest source of Ukrainian archival material in North America. It contains over 500 meters of textual material related to the history of Ukrainians in Canada and in the diaspora. It consists of papers of prominent community leaders and community organizations. Iwan Boberskyj and the St. Raphael’s Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Welfare Association of Canada are two important fonds related to the early years of settlement in Canada. The archives also have a strong music component with the papers of Oleksander Koshetz, Pavlo Macenko, Ehven Turula, Myron Fedoriv and Walter Klymkiw.

Access to the archives is by advance appointment only by contacting us.

Please visit Manitoba Archival Information Network for more information about some of the various archival fonds in Oseredok’s collection.

Library Collection

Oseredok’s library collection contains an extensive array of books, periodicals, serial publications and newspapers specializing in the field of Ukrainian studies. Most of the publications are in Ukrainian, although English, French, German and Italian titles are also available. The library holds books on topics related to history, art, music, literature, language, ethnography, folklore, folk art and religion.

Among some of the rare books in the library holdings are a Gospel published by the Kyievo-Pechers’k Monastery in 1658; Irmologion (Church Songbook), 1733; A Description of the Kyievo-Pechers’k Monastery, Kyiv, 1831; and a second edition of Ivan Kotliarevs’ky’s Eneida, 1808.


Requests to view and/or conduct research are by advance appointment only by contacting us.


The Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre has decided to pause on accepting new acquisitions for a period of two years, effective on December 1, 2022. This respite period is necessary in order to allow the Centre to review its policies taking into account the significant growth of its collections over the past decades, to reorganize its space needs, and to undertake the processing of all uncatalogued collections and fonds. We thank all those who wish to donate objects and invite you to contact us when we start accepting new acquisitions again.


Would you like to volunteer with Oseredok’s collections? Please visit our Volunteer page

“Trip to Oseredok,” Thomas M. Prymak University of Toronto (2018)

Click here to learn more about Oseredok from the article by Thomas M. Prymak, PhD, a research Associate at the Chair of Ukrainian Studies, Department of History and Political Science, University of Toronto




