🎞️ In this captivating presentation by Professor Dr. Mariya Shymchyshyn, we delve deep into the emotional dimensions of photography, shedding light on how viewers interpret and imbue personal meanings of hope and resilience onto the images captured amidst the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.

🔍 A meticulous analysis of diverse visual narratives reveals the remarkable stories behind iconic photographs that have transcended their frames to become symbols of Ukrainian resilience. From the poignant clay figure of a rooster in Borodyanka to the monumental tribute to Hryhoriy Skovoroda, each image holds symbolic significance, reflecting the indomitable spirit of the Ukrainian people.

đź’Ą Moreover, we’ll unravel the impact of images capturing pivotal moments like the sinking of Russia’s ship and the damages inflicted upon the Kerch Bridge, showcasing the triumphs of Ukrainian counteroffensives and resilience in the face of adversity.

But the story doesn’t end there. Journey alongside refugees as they navigate the treacherous paths of displacement, their resilience shining through as they carry the weight of their belongings across borders. 🧳Witness the human toll of war through the lens of courage and perseverance.

Join us at Oseredok on April 5, and be prepared to be moved by the stories behind the lens! 📸

Mariya Shymchyshyn is chair of the Department of Literary Theory and World Literature at Kyiv National Linguistics University (Ukraine). She holds a PhD in World Literature and Literary Theory and an MA in Comparative Literature. During 2003–2004 she was a Junior Faculty Development Program Fellow at Iowa State University. She did research for “Urban Space and Identity” at Loyola University (Chicago) as a Fulbright Scholar during 2013–2014. She has taught at various Ukrainian universities. Dr. Shymchyshyn is the author of three books (Lesiya Ukrainka’s Ouevre in the Anglophone World, Ternopil, 2003; The Harlem Renaissance (History, Theory, Poetics and the African-American Identity), Ternopil, 2010; Geographies of Identity in the 21th Century Fictional Discourse, Kyiv, 2020). She is a co-editor of Contemporary Literary Studies. She has worked on topics such as racial identity, the Harlem Renaissance, migratory novels, refugees in fiction, geocriticism and spatial literary studies, metamodernism, and contemporary US fiction.

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