Join us for an exclusive interview with Taras Lachowsky, whose work seamlessly blends Ukrainian cultural traditions with contemporary artistry. Discover the fascinating Vytynanka, Pysanka, Vyshyvanka techniques behind his pieces and explore themes of identity, belonging, and cultural survival. From his beginnings at the University of Guelph to recent exhibitions nationwide, Taras’s artistic journey reflects a deep connection to his roots and a commitment to bridging cultural divides through art.

Experience the magic of Ukrainian folklore in a modern context through projects like “Motanka – Ancient Talisman in Modern Interpretation,” “Viyna/Art of War: Ukraine,” and “Creation Through Conflict,” where Taras invites viewers to reimagine timeless traditions through a contemporary lens. With support from esteemed organizations like the Shevchenko Foundation, Taras’s work has garnered recognition and acclaim, inspiring audiences across Canada.

This event provides a window into creativity, heritage, and the compelling narratives woven into the artwork. Ensure you don’t miss this opportunity to engage with one of the most esteemed Canadian-Ukrainian contemporary artists! 

About the Artist

Taras (Palijh) Lachowsky

As the youngest of ten children born to Ukrainian immigrants, Lachowsky has always harboured a deep fascination with his culture’s history, symbolism, and traditions. Christmas, in particular, held a special allure for him, marked by enchanting dishes, deep rituals, and joyous family gatherings. This festive season seamlessly melded old-world Ukrainian traditions with the vibrancy of the new world.

This cultural tapestry serves as the foundation for Lachowsky’s artwork, where he skillfully integrates various techniques, including Vytynanky (paper cutting), and draws inspiration from the intricate symbols, patterns, and colours of Pysanky (Ukrainian Easter egg technique) and Vyshyvanky (embroidery), resulting in visually captivating graphic works.

Through his art, Lachowsky aspires to illuminate the rich and illustrious history of Ukraine for a wider audience. He endeavours to spark engagement and foster dialogue, inviting viewers to delve into and discuss the multifaceted heritage of Ukraine.

Interested in learning more about Taras Lachowsky? Visit him on social media at

Link to join the interview:

NEW EXHIBITION Motanka: Ancient Talisman in Modern Interpretation

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