We are delighted to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre. As a valued member and supporter of our organization, your presence and input at this important event are highly appreciated.

June 24, 2024, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre, 184 Alexander Ave. E.


The Annual General Meeting serves as an opportunity for us to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments, discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and make important decisions for the future of Oseredok. Your presence at the meeting will be crucial in shaping our organization’s direction and ensuring its continued success.

The agenda and minutes from the Annual General Meeting 2023 are attached below.

AGM Agenda 2024

Oseredok AGM 2023 Minutes

NEW EXHIBITION Motanka: Ancient Talisman in Modern Interpretation

Visit Oseredok Oseredok Gallery Space and Museum Admission Fees Policy

News Oseredok Boutique Sales Policy Update

For sale ViewSonic LS831WU projectors and BrightSign HD1024 players for purchase and rent


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